Join Kasvuryhmä
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The aim of Kasvuryhmä is to accelerate the growth and innovations of medium-sized companies, which in the long run will generate benefits for the whole of Finland. In addition to the numerous growth leaders, also our excellent partners Nordea, Varma, VTT, Tesi, TT -säätiö and Yksityisyrittäjäin säätiö encourage growth and innovation. Our partners are actively involved in Kasvuryhmä's peer activities where they discuss and share their experiences in various areas of growth. In addition, they share their latest and most insightful ideas regarding how to accelerate growth and innovation in their respective fields with the Kasvuryhmä peers. There is power in the community!

Näyttökuva 2023-08-16 105826



Are you interested in becoming a partner?

Please leave us a message using the form or contact:


Mira Haapakangas

tel. +358 40 522 9406